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Direction - Taking the First Step

Many of us have a dream in the back of our minds that we will “get to one day”. Could be a simple dream, like going to a specific restaurant, or doing an activity like an afternoon walk. Could be a not so simple dream, like opening your own business, or visiting a faraway country.

We tend to get lost in the ‘how’ we can make things happen, and we detail all the obstacles in our way, like not having enough money, or time; Or just not knowing where to start. We even convince ourselves that the dream doesn’t belong to us, it’s for ‘rich’ people. This train of thought usually results in the dream getting shelved again for some abstract time in the future, never to be seriously considered attainable.

Have you ever wondered where the desire for the dream came from? It is important to acknowledge first that your desires are YOUR desires for a reason. This desire and longing for a dream is your Higher Consciousness alerting you to something that would bring you joy. Sometimes we mentally disregard those alerts because they don’t feel urgent like most things, not joy related, demanding our attention.

Getting caught in the thoughts of ‘how’ can stop us from even taking the first step. Our dreams and desires are our guides toward a direction that could positively change our lives. We repeatedly ask for direction in life and are often wary of the answers we get. We even manage to talk ourselves out of them, then sit back and wonder why we feel stuck.

Taking the first step, especially if it’s a small one, confidently toward your desire and dream can let the Universe know you are listening and ready for the manifestation. Every time you think you can’t, you are right. The Universe agrees with you and gives you more of the same. However, when you actively pursue that desire, the Universe agrees with you there too, and you will begin to notice synchronicities.

If you want to go to a specific restaurant, don’t wait for a special occasion to give yourself permission. Instead, reserve a table for this weekend and go. You never actually visit the same place twice, so at the very least you will cement in your mind if you’d even want to return or not, or who you’d want to invite along the next time around.

Same process with walking in the afternoons, stop overthinking the activity, simply get up, put on your shoes and leave. If you want to start a business, work on building self-trust, research the most feasible way and begin investing in yourself. Same idea with visiting a faraway country, go price out the flight tickets and get a rough idea of how much it would cost you. Then intentionally save for it, even taking a part time job if that speaks to you.

We are our own biggest obstacle and are blocking our own paths in more significant and impactful ways than any external factor is. That story we repeat to ourselves about why we can’t achieve something is exactly why it remains unachievable. When walking up a staircase, to get to the top you must start somewhere. Why is your desire or dream any different?

Taking the first step will lead to another, and another, and another. Eventually you’ll look back and notice how far you’ve come. Celebrate each step as a milestone along the journey of manifesting your desire. Eventually you will reach what you are looking for and could only feel positive emotions like accomplishment, pride in yourself, and not to mention the satisfaction of finally experiencing something you actively pursued.

When next you ask for direction, be brave enough to not only listen to the answer but take the first active step towards it. Ultimately that direction will lead to something clearer and more defined. Life is about the journey so much more than it is about the destination. Once you’ve reached a specific destination, life will present more desires and dreams. At least, this time you wouldn’t automatically assume they are unattainable. Your question would instead be, “What is the first step?”


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